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날짜 2018-10-04 16:00 
일시 October 4 (Thu.), 16:00 PM 
장소 #1323, E6-2 
연사 Prof. Soo Jin Kim 
번호 날짜 장소 제목
132 2016-11-11 16:00  #1323(E6-2. 1st fl.)  Dirac fermions in condensed matters
131 2016-11-11 13:30  #1323(E6-2. 1st fl.)  Bandgap Engineering of Black Phosphorus
130 2020-11-12 16:00  E6-2 1323  2020 가을학기 광학분야 특별세미나
129 2016-11-16 16:00  #1323(E6-2. 1st fl.)  Realizing Haldane Model in Fe-based Honeycomb Ferromagnetic Insulators
128 2023-11-16 16:00  E6-2(Natural Science B/D). 1st fl. #1323  Electric-field control of emergent phenomena in correlated oxide thin films
127 2022-11-17 16:00  E6-2 #1323  (광학분야 세미나) Ultrastructural and Spectroscopic Studies by Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy
126 2022-11-18 14:30  E6-2. 1st fl. #1323 & Zoom  Kondo cloud condensation in a highly-doped semiconductor metal file
125 2022-11-18 16:00  E6-2. 1st fl. #1323 & Zoom  Qubits, new experimental tools for physics file
124 2016-11-18 10:30  #5318(5th fl.)  Non-equilibrium many-body spin dynamics in diamond
123 2016-11-1 10:30  #1323(E6-2 1st fl.)  Time scale dependent dynamics in InAs/InP quantum dot gain media
122 2023-11-01 16:00  E6-2, #2502  [High Energy Theory Seminar] Modular functions and 3D N=4 rank-zero superconformal field theories
121 2021-11-02 16:00  자연과학동(E6-2) #1323  Metrology of Band Topology via Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering file
120 2020-11-20 14:30  Online  Lumpy Cooper pairs in an iron-based superconductor
119 2020-11-20 16:00  Online  Coherent control of field gradient induced quantum dot spin qubits
118 2023-11-22 10:00  E6-2, #5301 & zoom  [High Energy Theory Seminar] Exact Quantum Algorithms to Recognize Quantum Phases of Matter
117 2018-11-22 15:00  E6 Room(#1323)  Experimental and Computational Study on Physical Properties based on Granular System file
116 2018-11-23 15:00  E6-2. 2st fl. #2501  Entanglement string and Spin Liquid with Holographic duality file
115 2023-11-23 16:00  E6-2(Natural Science B/D). 1st fl. #1323  Deciphering the Enigma of Quantum Materials by X-ray Scattering and Spectroscopy
114 2016-11-24 16:00  #1323(E6-2. 1st fl.)  Harmonic oscillator physics with single atoms in a state-selective optical potential
113 2022-11-24 16:00  E6-2 #1323 & Zoom  Probing fundamental physics by mapping the mm and sub-mm sky