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Dimer Physics and Superconductivity in La3Ni2O7

2024.01.09 15:35

admin 조회 수:214

날짜 2024-01-16 14:00 
일시 Jan.16th (Tue.),14:00 
장소 E6-2, #1323 
연사 Siheon Ryee (University of Hamburg, Germany) 

Nickelated 초전도체에 관한 세미나를 개최하오니, 관심 있는 분들의 많은 참석 바랍니다. 


- Date & Time: Jan. 16th (Tue.), 2024 / 14:00 ~ 16:00

PlaceE6-2 (Rm. 1323)

Title : Dimer Physics and Superconductivity in La3Ni2O7

- Lecturer : Siheon Ryee [University of Hamburg, Germany]


The recent discovery of superconductivity with Tc ~ 80 K in the bilayer nickelate La3Ni2O7 under high pressure heralds a new class of high-Tc superconductors. The most notable feature of this material is a strong interlayer electronic coupling unlike many unconventional superconductors. In this respect, central questions concern “How does the interlayer coupling affect the low-energy physics?" and “Is the interlayer coupling a friend or foe of superconductivity?". In this talk, I will demonstrate using a cluster dynamical mean-field theory that nonlocal self-energy driven by the interlayer coupling in La3Ni2Oinduces a Lifshitz transition of Fermi surface topology. By solving a relevant gap equation, I will further argue that superconductivity is promoted by this “dimer” electronic correlationThe underlying mechanism is the quenching of a strong ferromagnetic channel resulting from the Fermi surface change. This finding unveils the role of interlayer coupling in La3Ni2O7 and potentially paves the way to designing higher-Tc nickelates.

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