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날짜 2023-07-19 16:00 
장소 E6-2, #1323 
We are delighted to announce the upcoming High-Energy Theory Seminar by Dr. Edward Mazenc visiting us from University of Chicago.
The seminar will take place coming Wednesday (July 19) at 4PM and you are all invited to participate. 
Edward kindly agreed to give a "Pre-seminar lecture" for about 30-45min to introduce matrix model and some other topics which can help to follow the main talk.
The pre-seminar will begin 3:10PM.
Speaker: Edward Mazenc (University of Chicago)
Time: July 19 (Wed), 4PM + Pre-seminar starting at 3:10PM.
Place: E6-2, #1323
Title: Deriving the Simplest Gauge-String Duality
Abstract: I will give an overview of my work with Rajesh Gopakumar on deriving the closed string dual to the simplest possible gauge theory, a Hermitian matrix integral. These matrix theories are studied in the conventional ‘t Hooft limit, i.e. they do not require any further double-scaling. I’ll present and verify an explicit operator dictionary between matrix traces and vertex operators in new dual closed topological string worldsheet descriptions. I will discuss the more general idea of open-closed-open triality which allows us to establish this dictionary. We will then sketch how the tools of Strebel differentials and topological recursion reveal the underlying mechanics of this open/closed string correspondence. I’ll close by embedding our results in the broader context of AdS/CFT.
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