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날짜 2024-10-14 11:00 
장소 KI Building(E4), Matrix Hall(2nd Floor) 

Hungary_Special Lecture (1).jpg


 A Special Lecture will be given by the Ambassador of Hungary to the Republic of Korea, Istvan Szerdahelyi, to KAIST students on the topic of "The Cradle of Visionary Hungarians". Hungary is well-known for nobel prizes as they have the most per capita in the world. 

Details of the lecture are as below. 

We invite students to join and for those who would like to come please complete the form (RSVP in the form linked)

  • Date: October 14th, Mon
  • Time: 11am - 11:50am
  • Venue: KI Building(E4), Matrix Hall(2nd Floor)
  • RSVP: Complete through this link
  • Gift and lunch will be given and a special raffle will be prepared. 
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