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Pseudogap in surface-doped black phosphorus

2021.06.04 16:24

admin 조회 수:2782

날짜 2021-06-11 16:00 
장소 Online seminar 


SRC Seminar



Pseudogap in surface-doped black phosphorus


Dr. Keun Su Kim

Department of Physics, Yonsei University


Jun. 11 (Fri.), 04:00 PM

Online seminar
회의 ID: 892 8325 2628

암호: 916514




Many of the interesting quantum phenomena arise at the interface between a crystalline insulator and disordered dopants. In this kind of the interface between black phosphorus and alkali metals, we have studied the tunable band gap1, topological phase transition2, and the evolution of quantum phases (or pseudospin)3. After briefly summarizing the past results, I will introduce our recent discovery of a pseudogap in black phosphorus doped by various alkali metals4. With angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), we reveal an anomalous band dispersion of back-bending and pseudogap, which can be explained by the Anderson-McMillan band dispersion of liquid metals developed in 1960s. This is a natural consequence of resonance scattering by dopant ions with only short-range order (or liquid order). The depth of a scattering potential tuned by different kinds of alkali metal (Na, K, Rb, and Cs) allows us to classify the pseudogap of p-wave and d-wave resonance.



1.          J. Kim et al., Science 349, 723 (2015)

2.          J. Kim et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 226801 (2017)

3.          S. W. Jung, S. H, Ryu, W. J. Shen et al., Nature Mater. 19, 277 (2020)

4.          S. H. Ryu, M. Huh, D. Y. Park et al., Nature, accepted (2021)


Contact: SunYoung Choi, (

Center for Quantum Coherence in Condensed Matter, KAIST


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