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날짜 2023-04-28 11:00 
장소 E6 #1323 
Institute for Basic Science 소속 Dung Nguyen Xuan 박사님을 모시고 세미나를 개최합니다. 
관심있는 분들의 많은 참석 부탁드립니다.
Date: 11am, 28th April (Fri)
Place: E6 #1323
Speaker: Dr. Dung Nguyen Xuan(Institute for Basic Science)
Title: "Tkachenko wave: From the modern field theory viewpoint"
I will take you on a journey through the history of the Tkachenko wave, the vibration of the vortex lattice in a rotating superfluid that can be considered the Goldtone boson shared by several spontaneous broken symmetries. This special Goldstone boson excitation has many unique properties that emerge at low energy. By examining this wave through the lens of modern quantum field theory, I will provide insight into its unusual characteristics and reveal why it is so remarkable
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