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날짜 2022-08-17 11:00 
일시 Aug.17 (Wed), 11:00AM 
장소 E6-6 #118호 
연사 최준희 박사(Caltech IQIM, Postdoctoral Scholar) 
o 일시/장소: 2022. 8. 17(수) 11:00, 기초과학동 (E6-6) 118호
o 연사: 최준희 박사(Caltech IQIM, Postdoctoral Scholar)
o Title: Robust Hamiltonian Engineering of Large Quantum Systems (큰 양자시스템의 견고한 해밀토니안 엔지니어링)
o Abstract: Controlling and manipulating quantum systems opens the door to new applications that harness quantum-mechanical effects, such as quantum information processing, metrology, and quantum simulation. However, efficient and robust manipulation of large-scale interacting many-body systems remains an outstanding challenge. Here we introduce and develop a new, systematic framework for robust engineering of quantum many-body systems via periodic pulsed driving. Our framework is based on a simple matrix-based representation, where the creation of desired Hamiltonians and their robustness to imperfections translate to concise algebraic rules imposed on the matrix. This approach is widely applicable to a broad range of different systems and can be flexibly tailored to particular parameters of physical systems and target applications. We illustrate its use with example applications such as protecting quantum information, sensing external signals with high sensitivity, and transferring quantum information between quantum registers. In addition, our work opens new avenues for novel applications such as the realizations of entanglement-enhanced quantum metrology and also allows studies of out-of-equilibrium phenomena in a new regime of strongly interacting quantum many-body systems.
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