2020 가을학기 광학분야 특별세미나(Light Engineering Beyond the Diffraction Limit)
2020.11.23 13:38
날짜 | 2020-11-26 16:00 |
연사 | |
장소 | Online(Zoom) |
Title: Light Engineering Beyond the Diffraction Limit
Speaker: Myung-Ki Kim (KU-KIST Graduate School of Converging Science and Technology, Korea University)
Place: Zoom online seminar only (https://kaist.zoom.us/j/93997220310)
Date: 4pm, 11/26
Confining light in the smallest possible volume has long been an objective of the nanophotonics community. However,
the diffraction limit caused by the wave nature of light restricts confining and engineering light in a sub-wavelength space.
Recent advances in plasmonics have provided a promising route to overcoming the diffraction limit of optical devices using
surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs), which enables confining and engineering electromagnetic energy in a sub-wavelength
space. This technology has taken a step forward in realizing a variety of next-generation optical devices such as nanoscale
high-speed optical emitters, detectors, and modulators, a single-molecule spectroscopy, a super-resolution optical imaging,
and efficient single photon sources. In this talk, we will present recent advances in research on small photonic devices close
to the diffraction limit and deep sub-wavelength plasmonic devices beyond the diffraction limit from a light engineering