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날짜 2017-03-24 16:00 
장소 #1323 (1st fl. E6-2) 

Graphene based nano electronics and nano electromechanics; focusing on precise control of nano structures for studying accurate physical properties


Dr. SangWook Lee

Department of Physics, Ewha Womans University


Mar. 24 (Fri.), 4:00 PM

#1323 (1st fl. E6-2)



In this presentation, we will present our recent progress on the fabrication and characterization of graphene based nano electronic and electromechanical devices. Mirco contact transfer method have been utilized for controlling the position of nano materials so that various 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional device structures could be realized. At first, the interlayer transport properties of twisted bilayer graphene will be introduced. The temperature dependent electrical properties showed that there is intriguing correlation to quantum coherence with inter-layer distances of graphene. Based on the previous result, we will show our plan to control the distance of two layers in reversible way so that interlayer coupling can be precisely controlled during transport measurement. Mechanical and electromechanical properties of xylophone like suspended graphene ribbon arrays will be presented in the second part. Basic mechanical and electromechanical properties of suspended graphene structures studied by our group will be reported. Our idea to improve the mass change detection sensitivity and to investigate quantum mechanical properties of nano mechanical resonators will be shared in the end of this presentation.


Contact: SunYoung Choi (

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