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날짜 2023-04-13 11:00 
장소 Zoom 
We are delighted to announce the upcoming High-Energy Theory Seminar by Yichul Choi (Stony Brook University).
The seminar will take place on Thursday (April 13) at 11AM (KST) via zoom and you are all invited to participate. 
Speaker: Yichul Choi (Stony Brook University)
Time: April 13 (Thursday), 11AM
Zoom link:
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Meeting ID: 321 232 0208
Title: Noninvertible Gauss Law and Axions
Abstract: In the past years, the notion of global symmetry in quantum field theory has gone through a rapid evolution to include generalized symmetries generated by topological defects of higher codimensions and/or with noninvertible fusion algebras. A prototypical example of a generalized global symmetry is the electric 1-form symmetry in free Maxwell theory. An electric 1-form symmetry is a modern, symmetry-based way to describe the Gauss law. In this talk, we will consider axion-Maxwell theory, where the presence of the axion-photon coupling explicitly breaks the naïve electric 1-form symmetry, hence making the Gauss law anomalous. We will see that, however, the electric 1-form symmetry can be resurrected if we give up invertibility. The noninvertible electric 1-form symmetry leads to a modified version of the Gauss law, which we call the noninvertible Gauss law.
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