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날짜 2020-12-11 14:30 
장소 online 


SRC Seminar






Antisymmetric interlayer exchange coupling in magnetic multilayers




Dr. Myung Hwa Jung


Department of Physics, Sogang University




Dec. 11 (Fri.), 02:30 PM


Online seminar
회의 ID: 894 0073 3670
암호: 703454










The exchange interaction governs static and dynamic magnetism. This fundamental interaction comes in two flavors - symmetric and antisymmetric. While the symmetric interaction leads to ferro- and antiferromagnetism, the antisymmetric interaction has attracted significant interest owing to its major role in promoting topologically non-trivial spin textures that promise fast, energy-efficient devices. So far, the antisymmetric exchange interaction has been found to be rather short–ranged and limited to a single magnetic layer. Here, we report a long-range antisymmetric interlayer exchange interaction in perpendicularly magnetized synthetic antiferromagnets with parallel and antiparallel magnetization alignments. Asymmetric hysteresis loops under an in-plane field reveal a unidirectional and chiral nature of this interaction, resulting in canted magnetic structures. We explain our results by considering spin-orbit coupling combined with reduced symmetry in multilayers. Our discovery of a long-range chiral interaction provides an additional handle for engineering magnetic structures and could enable three-dimensional topological structures.






Contact: SunYoung Choi, (


Center for Quantum Coherence in Condensed Matter, KAIST


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