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날짜 2023-09-27 16:00 
일시 Sep 27(Wed), 16:00 
장소 E6, Rm#2501 
연사 Prof. Muneto Nitta (Keio University, Japan) 
Prof. Muneto Nitta (Keio Univeristy)을 모시고 'Chiral Magnets: Domain-Wall Skyrmions and String Theory Realization' 주제에 대한 세미나를 개최하고자 합니다. 물리학과 구성원 여러분들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.
1) Time : at 16:00 on Sep 27, 2023 
2) Venue : E6, Rm#2501
3) Speaker : Prof. Muneto Nitta (Keio Univeristy, Japan)
4) Talk Title : Chiral Magnets: Domain-Wall Skyrmions and String Theory Realization
5) Abstract
   Domain-Wall Skyrmions are composite solitons of domain walls and Skyrmions appearing in condensed matter physics and high energy physics. First, I describe domain-wall Skyrmions in chiral magnets [1,2]. Second, I discuss how chiral magnets can be realized as D-brane configurations in string theory [3]. This talk is based on collaborations with Y.Amari and C.Ross.  

[1] C.Ross, M.Nitta,Phys.Rev.B 107 (2023) 024422 , arXiv: 2205.11417 [cond-mat.mes-hall]

[2] Y.Amari, C.Ross, M.Nitta, in preparation  

[3] Y.Amari, M.Nitta, e-Print: 2307.11113 [hep-th]

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