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날짜 2023-01-10 16:00 
장소 E6-2 #1323 

* Title: Terahertz Spectroscopy of Quantum Materials


* Speaker: Jae Hoon Kim (Yonsei University)  


* Date: 4 pm, 10th January 2023 (Tue)


* Place: E6-2 1323 (no zoom broadcasting) 



Quantum materials lying at the frontier of condensed matter research call for access to increasingly low frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum. In particular, the terahertz region is a rich arena for probing exotic quasiparticles associated with novel quantum phenomena. Ultrafast femtosecond lasers developed in the late 1990s brought an unexpected opportunity to implement terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS). Here, we introduce the standard method of THz-TDS and illustrate this technique by presenting several case studies in which the distinct advantages of THz-TDS were utilized to obtain key information on representative quantum materials such as topological insulators, superconductors, and low-dimensional van der Waals magnets.

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