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For whom the Belle tolls

2017.04.03 18:23

관리자 조회 수:2045

날짜 2017-04-06 16:00 
장소 IBS CAPP seminar room, Creation Hall (3F), KAIST Munji Campus 

Physics Department Special Seminar will be held as below. Anyone interested in this topic is warmly welcomed.

For whom the Belle tolls


Prof. Youngjoon Kwon (Yonsei University)


April 6, 2017 (Thu), 4:00 pm

IBS CAPP seminar room, Creation Hall (3F), KAIST Munji Campus



The Belle experiment (at KEK) is one of the two e+ e- B-factories, along with BaBar (at SLAC), and has produced numerous new results on CP violations in the quark sector as well as new precise measurements in the heavy-flavor systems including beauty, charm, and tau.  Moreover, Belle and BaBar have found several 'hints' that may indicate new physics beyond the Standard Model, which have yet to be fully confirmed, thus needing more definitive experimental signals.  Belle has also found many exotic hadronic states that cannot be explained easily within the existing picture of mesons and baryons.

In this talk, we briefly review those 'hints' and other exotic phenomena observed by Belle and discuss the prospects with the new upgraded experiment, Belle II, which will start taking data in 2018. The comparison to LHCb and their complementarity will also be discussed.

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