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Quintessential axions

2022.07.08 14:47

admin 조회 수:883

날짜 2022-07-21 16:00 
장소 CAPP Seminar Room C303, Creation Hall, KAIST Munji Campus 

물리학과 야니스 교수님 연구실/액시온 및 극한상호작용 연구단 (CAPP/IBS)에서 특별세미나를

아래와 같이 개최합니다.


Speaker: Prof. Jihn E. Kim (Kyoung Hee University)

Date: July 21, 2022 (Thursday) 


Time: 4:00 PM (KST)


Venue: CAPP Seminar Room C303, Creation Hall, KAIST Munji Campus
Topic: Quintessential axions
I present a brief review on the dark energy solutions by a very light pseudoscalar called ``quintessential axion''.  For the explicit breaking terms, we consider both the SU(2) gauge anomaly and the potential $\Delta V$.  At the field theory level, we will present a strategy for picking up one such pseudoscalar among plenty of pseudoscalars. At string level, numerous antisymmetric tensor fields are pseudoscalars. Including these, we present  a confining force example  via a $Z_{12-I}$ orbifold compactification of SO(32) heterotic string.  In addition, we also aim to draw attention on almost massless mesons of confining nonabelian gauge group, which can be another motivation for introducing an additional confining force,  to explain dark energy as the vacuum energy of these mesons. 




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