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Axion Search

2015.07.29 14:28

admin 조회 수:2337

날짜 2015-08-03 10:30 
장소 E6-2, #1323 (Seminar Room) 

Axion Search

2015/08/03(MON) 10:30 AM, Seminar Room(#1323)
Dr. Jonghee Yoo, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA



The axion has been postulated to solve the strong-CP problem in quantum chromodynamics. The strong-CP problem is manifested by the null observation of the neutron’s electric dipole moment. The Peccei-Quinn U(1) symmetry breaking mechanism was suggested as a solution to the problem. The mechanism leaves a pseudo-Goldstone boson field, interpreted as the axion. Although the original Peccei-Quinn axion model has been ruled out, “invisible” axion model allows a broad range of axion masses and axion-matter couplings. It is widely accepted that the invisible axion is truly the elegant solution to the Strong-CP problem. Moreover, the non-thermal axion production mechanism in the early Universe suggests the axion as a cold dark matter candidate. Especially a light axion is an ideal dark matter candidate which would have been produced during the Big Bang. I will discuss the axion search projects with examples drawn from experiments that I was involved in.


Contact: Yoonsoo, Administration Office. Tel. 2599

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