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날짜 2016-06-14 16:00 
장소 Seminar Room (#2502, 2nd fl.) 

Photonic quantum network based on multimode squeezed vacuums and single-photon subtraction


Jun. 14 (Tue) 4PM, Seminar Room (#2502, 2nd fl.)
Young-Sik Ra, Université Pierre et Marie Curie


Over the last decades, application of photonic technologies to quantum information science has been very successful, which establishes light as a promising quantum system to carry and process quantum information. Quantum information is encoded on the quantum states of light such as single photons and squeezed lights; the encoded information can be controlled with high precision, maintained with low decoherence, transmitted at the fastest speed, and decoded by efficient detectors. Conventional ways for generating the quantum states of lights are, however, unsuited for constructing a large-scale quantum system due to the highly increasing resource overheads. In this seminar, I will present development of a photonic quantum network – a correlated large-scale quantum system – based on multimode squeezed vacuums and single-photon subtraction. We employ the intrinsic multimode structure of an ultrafast frequency comb to construct the quantum network, and implement a mode-selective single-photon subtractor based on frequency up-converted single-photon detection. I will further discuss our recent progress on experimental implementation of the photonic quantum network.


Contact: Yoonsoo Kim (T.2599)

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