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날짜 2015-12-01 16:00 
장소 E6-2, #1323 

Introducing extra dimensions to spectroscopic studies of advanced quantum materials


Dec. 1(Tue), 4:00 p.m. , Seminar Room(#1323)

Dr. Yeong Kwan Kim, Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


In so called quantum materials, where the variety of interesting phenomena occur, all possible degree of freedoms (DOF) in solid – lattice, charge, spin, orbital DOF actively play a role in the fundamental level. In most cases, these DOFs are closely entangled each other, forming a highly complicated role on each phenomena. In this regard, in order to understand the fundamental mechanism of the phenomena such as unconventional superconductivity, the additional control parameters are highly desired that can tune the specific DOF separately. In this talk, I will introduce two new control parameters – doping and pressure that can open up the new phase space in spectroscopy and allow us to study the role of DOF precisely and distinctively. With interesting examples that obtained with new control parameters, I will demonstrate the vision of new control parameters for the advanced quantum material study.


Contact: Yoonsoo Kim, Administration Office.  Tel. 2599

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