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날짜 2015-12-09 11:00 
일시 2015/12/09, 11AM 
장소 E4(KI Building), Connect room (2nd fl.) 
연사 Arjun G. Yodh (University of Pennsylvania) 

Functional Imaging & Monitoring of Brain & Breast with Diffuse Light

Functional diffuse optical imaging and spectroscopy of tissue is gaining momentum as a diagnostic in a variety of medical scenarios including breast cancer imaging, functional activation and clinical studies of brain, cancer therapy monitoring and the investigation of muscle disease [1, 2, 3]. After a short introduction to diffuse optics, I will review several recent clinical studies from my lab, particularly those oriented towards breast cancer and brain function. Central to the breast cancer effort is a pilot clinical trial [4] which has taken important steps towards quantitative assessment of diffuse optics for detection and characterization of tumors [5], and helps to spin-off problems such as cancer therapy monitoring. A second important application of diffuse optical methods is in the area of brain function and physiology wherein the interplay between tissue oxygen consumption, vascular supply, and regulatory effects remains poorly understood. The utility of this approach in brain will be demonstrated in several contexts, including the care of acute ischemic stroke (AIS) patients in the clinic [6, 7].

1. Durduran, T., Choe, R., Baker, W.B, and Yodh, A.G., Reports on Progress in
Physics, 73, 076701 (2010).
2. Mesquita, R.C., Durduran, T., Yu, G., Buckley, E.M., Kim, M.N., Zhou, C., Choe, R., Sunar, U., Yodh, A.G., Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 369, 4358-4379 (2011).
3. Durduran, T., and Yodh, A.G., Neuroimage 85, 51-63 (2014).
4. Choe, R., Konecky, S.D., Corlu, A., Lee, K., Durduran, T., Busch, D.R., Pathak, S., Czerniecki, B.J., Tchou, J., Fraker, D.L., DeMichele, A., Chance, B., Arridge, S.R., Schweiger, M., Culver, J.P., Schnall, M.D., Putt, M.E., Rosen, M.A., and Yodh, A.G., Journal of Biomedical Optics 14, 024020 (2009).
5. Busch, D.R., Choe, R., Rosen, M.A., Guo, W., Durduran, T., Feldman, M.D., Mies, C., Czerniecki, B.J., Tchou, J., DeMichele, A., Schnall, M.D., and Yodh, A.G., Biomedical Optics Express 4, 105-121 (2013).
6. Durduran, T., Zhou, C., Edlow, B.L., Yu, G., Choe, R., Kim, M.N., Cucchiara, B.L., Putt, M.E., Shah, Q., Kasner, S.E., Greenberg, J.H., Yodh, A.G., and Detre, J.A., Optics Express 17, 3884-3902 (2009).
7. Kim, M.N., Edlow, B.L., Durduran, T., Frangos, S., Mesquita, R.C., Levine, J.M., Greenberg, J.H., Yodh, A.G., and Detre, J.A., Nerocritical Care 20, 443-453, DOI
10.1007/s12028-013-9849-7 (2014).

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