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Geometry, Algebra, and Quantum Field Theory

2022.05.17 18:02

admin 조회 수:1388

날짜 2022-05-18 16:00 
장소 E6-2. #1323 & Zoom 
김희연 박사의 세미나를 아래와 같이 안내드립니다.

Title: Geometry, Algebra, and Quantum Field Theory 

Speaker: Dr.Heeyeon Kim  (Rutgers University, Department of Physics and Astronomy )
Date: May. 18(Wed), 4pm

Place : E6-2. 1st fl. #1323

[Zoom 회의 참가]
회의 ID: 870 9940 6103



Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is a powerful description of a wide range of physical phenomena, from the interaction of elementary particles to exotic phases of matter. However, despite its remarkable success, the traditional framework of QFT based on perturbation theory remains incomplete. One of the most important challenges is to build a mathematical foundation of QFT that enables a systematic study of strongly interacting systems.
In this talk, I will introduce String Theory as a unique tool that connects various ideas in quantum physics and modern mathematics. Regardless of its phenomenological role, this framework provides novel insights into both disciplines. Dualities in string theory predict extremely non-trivial conjectures identifying two a priori distinct structures in mathematics. Conversely, ideas in modern mathematics have led to new advances in QFT that allows a deeper understanding of its non-perturbative structures.
I will discuss recent development in building a unifying tool that plays a central role in establishing this connection. In particular, I will focus on the interplay between supersymmetric QFTs and problems in enumerative geometry, which is a branch in modern mathematics that counts the number of solutions to fundamental geometric questions. The interaction leads to a variety of new applications across physics and mathematics, from black-hole micro-state counting problems to the classification of topological spaces.
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