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Getting into Biology and Medicine as Physicist

2022.12.14 16:05

admin 조회 수:8478

날짜 2022-12-20 16:00 
장소 E6-2. #2501 
물리학과 김갑진 교수님 연구실에서 아래와 같이 홍콩 폴리테크닉 대학교 유정선 교수님을 모시고
Getting into Biology and Medicine as Physicist 세미나를 개최하고자 합니다. 많은 관심과 참여 바랍니다. 
참석 인원에 따라 강의실이 변경될 수 있으니 참석을 희망하시는 경우 아래 구글 폼으로 신청 바랍니다. 
o 일시: 2022. 12. 20.(화)  16:00~
o 장소: 자연과학동(E6-2)  2501호
o 연사: 유정선 교수(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
o 강연주제: Getting into Biology and Medicine as Physicist
o 참가신청  (12.16까지)
o Abstract
There have been remarkable recent innovations and vibrant advancements in biology and medicine fields spanning from deciphering molecular information using genomics and proteomics to treating patients with paradigm shifting immunotherapy and targeted therapy. Having physics background, I have devoted myself to apply fundamental knowledge and idea for changing conventional biological research and clinical practice. Molecular imaging has been my major area to be passionate. It is defined as characterization and measurement of targeted molecules and biological processes in living subjects. Advances in molecular imaging have come at a rapid pace over the past decade. There are major improvements in development of sophisticated imaging systems, identification of critical imaging targets, and design of better imaging probes. Such imaging technologies are now providing exciting new opportunities to study dynamic biological behaviours in small-animal models, guide novel therapy development, enhance surgical vision, better diagnose diseases, and monitor therapeutic response accurately. Here, I share several experiences to develop novel molecular imaging technologies such as a label-free metabolic imaging technique for a powerful tool of immunotherapy response monitoring, a real-time intraoperative detection method of peripheral nerves for image-guided cancer surgery, and artificial intelligence driven applications in optical and nuclear imaging. Of note, advantage of having physics background to contribute to this exciting field of molecular imaging will be emphasized. All together efforts to develop new technologies and solutions for biological and medical imaging will shed light on circumventing previous clinical failure and improving patient outcome thus reducing overall healthcare burden.
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