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날짜 2022-04-13 10:30 
일시 Apr. 13(Wed.) 10:30Am 
장소 E6 #1323/zoom 
연사 Mingu Kang (Max Planck POSTECH Korea Research Initiative) 
2022년 4월 13일(수) 오전 10시 30분 세미나 안내 
- Title: Harnessing topology and correlations from singularities in 3d-kagome metals
- speaker: Mingu Kang (Max Planck POSTECH Korea Research Initiative)
- location: E6 #1323/zoom
- 회의 ID: 871 6131 6372
- 암호: 607224
- abstract
    Kagome lattice is a network of corner-sharing triangles that has been studied extensively as a platform for novel quantum magnetic states. In metallic case, the symmetry of kagome lattice protects three singularities in its band structure including Dirac fermions at the Brillouin zone corner Kvan Hove singularity at the zone edge M, and flat band across the whole Brillouin zone. If properly combined with spin-orbit coupling, magnetism, and strong electronic interactions, these unique singularities in the kagome lattice represent a rich potential to realize nontrivial topological and correlated many-body ground states including Chern insulators, magnetic Weyl semimetals, fractional quantum Hall effect, chiral density waves, and unconventional superconductivity.
    In this talk, I will review the recent material realizations of such exotic electronic states in a series of 3d-transition metal-based kagome compounds. These include Dirac fermion-induced Chern insulating phase and intrinsic anomalous Hall conductivity in Fe3Sn2flat band-induced Stoner magnetism, nontrivial Z2 topology, and non-Fermi liquid behavior in (Fe,Co)Sn and Ni3In, and van Hove singularity-induced charge order in (K,Rb,Cs)V3Sb5. These successful realizations highlight 3d-kagome metals as a promising opportunity to engineer novel emergent phases of matter at the crossroad between strongly correlated physics and electronic topology.
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