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날짜 2015-12-17 11:00 
일시 2015/12/17, 11:00AM 
장소 E4(KI Building), Matrix Hall (2nd fl.) 
연사 Dr. Jung-Hoon Park (Purdue University) 

Wavefront engineering for in-vivo Deep brain imaging


Dec. 17(Thu) 11:00 AM, KI B/D, Matrix Hall, 2nd fl.
Dr. Jung-Hoon Park , School of Electric and Computer Sciences, Purdue University,USA


The brain is a unique organ which still holds many challenges that must be overcome for deeper understanding. The relation between the structure and function of the brain is still a big mystery due to the diversity in cell type and functional connections. In this respect, optical imaging holds unique advantages with its molecular specificity and high spatiotemporal resolution which allows simultaneous observation of both structure and function of the brain. However, deep brain imaging requires the light to be delivered efficiently through multiple scattering caused by the thick tissue. In this talk, I will describe our recent developments in wavefront engineering that overcome this barrier and enable high resolution large volume deep brain imaging and through-skull imaging of live mice.

Jung Hoon Park is a postdoctoral researcher in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University. He received his PhD in physics from KAIST and conducted research at Janelia Research Campus prior to moving to Purdue with Dr. Meng Cui. His research interests focuses on building novel optical systems to enable high resolution deep tissue imaging, especially the brain.


Contact: Prof.YongKeun Park, Physics Dept., (

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