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Topological Defects and Phase Transitions"

2017.01.05 15:46

Physics 조회 수:3520

날짜 2017-01-09 16:00 
장소 Lecture Hall, College of Natural Sciences [#1501,E6-2] 



2017.1.9(Mon), 4PM 

Lecture Hall, College of Natural Sciences [#1501,E6-2]

□ Prof. John Michael Kosterlitz, Brown University


" Topological Defects and Phase Transitions"





 1965 B.A., Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge University
 1966 M.A., Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge University
 1969 D.Phil., Oxford University

Professional Appointments
 1969-70 Royal Society Exchange Fellowship, Instituto di Fisica Teorica, Torino, Italy
 1970-73 Research Fellow, Dept. Mathematical Physics, Birmingham University, UK
 1973-74 Postdoctoral Fellow, LASSP, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
 1974-78 Lecturer, Dept. Mathematical Physics, Birmingham
 1978-80 Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematical Physics, Birmingham
 1980-81 Reader in Mathematical Physics, Dept. Mathematical Physics, Birmingham
 1982-present Professor of Physics, Brown University


 [1980] Maxwell Medal, awarded by Institute of Physics
 [1993] Elected Fellow of American Physical Society
 [2000] Lars Onsager Prize awarded by American Physical Society
 [2006] Harrison E Farnsworth Professor of Physics, Brown University
 [2007] Elected Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Science
 [2008] Appointed Korea Institute for Advanced Study Scholar
 [2012] Reappointed KIAS Scholar

 [2016] Nobel Prize in Physics


David Thouless, Duncan Haldane and Michael Kosterlitz will share prize

for work on exotic states of matter




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