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날짜 2023-08-23 16:00 
장소 E6-2, #1322 
We are happy to announce the High-Energy Theory Seminar this week by Dr. Monica Kang from Caltech.
Everyone is welcome to participate.
Speaker: Monica Jinwoo Kang (Caltech)
Time: Aug 23rd (Wed) 4 pm
Place: E6-2, #1322

Title: A spacetime tensor network for AdS3/CFT2
Abstract: I will first motivate how tensor networks are beneficial to study gravity via holography. I will construct a time-independent model of AdS/CFT, which is an infinite-dimensional analog of the HaPPY code. This admits decaying two-point correlation functions and fractal structures, which shows the CFT nature on the boundary. Utilizing this, I will present a spacetime tensor network, built as a lattice model with discretized spacetime, but with infinitesimal sizing to take both spacial and time directions to continuum. This new code is analyzed as a growing series of stabilizer codes defined with respect to their Hilbert spaces, which are related by isometric maps. The new spacetime tensor network model has incorporated U(1) time evolution with arising Hubeny—Rangamani—Takayanagi surface. I will demonstrate that adding the time structures with correct stabilizer modifications yields correct quantum error-correcting constructions capturing genuine spacetime with lightcone and causality, thereby showing a true emerging bulk geometry.
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