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날짜 2023-06-23 11:00 
장소 E6-6, #119 
물리학과 민범기 교수님 연구실에서 성균관대학교 박병철 교수님을 모시고, 아래와 같이 세미나를 개최하고자 합니다.
구성원 여러분들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.
Title: Visualizing orbital quantum phenomena at room temperature
Presenter: Byung Cheol Park
Affiliation: Sungkyunkwan University and IBS Center for Integrated Nanostructure Physics
Date & Place:  2023. 6. 23(Fri.) 11:00~13:00, Baisc Science Building(E6-6) Room 119
This talk focuses on quantum phenomena related to orbital angular momentum and its visualization in real space using a four-dimensional low-energy electrodynamic probe. Part I discusses anomalous Hall effect in topological semimetals, revealing four types of electron distribution topologies and the exotic convergence of electrons due to Berry curvature field. Part II presents the macroscopic wave packet of orbital angular momentum, unveiling the real-space wavefunction of anomalous Hall electrons at room temperature and the magnus force resulting from their orbital angular momentum. Part III explores the intrinsic orbital Hall effect originating from the orbital texture around the Fermi surface, demonstrating the role of mirror symmetry breaking in disentangling orbital angular momentum from spin angular momentum. Finally, Part IV investigates excitonic orbital currents in nonequilibrium states, revealing real-space flow of orbital-textured electrons and holes over 200 μm. If time permits, the talk also covers imaging of localized magnons, magnon propagation with relativistic kinetics, and the discovery of macroscopic orbital quantum states, achievable within the Janus-faced electrodynamic regime of photonics and electronics for coherent physics and wavefunction-like properties.
Attached: C.V  
Inquiry: Prof. Bumki Min,
※ 본 강연은 한국어로 진행됩니다. (This seminar will be given in Korean)
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