Counting States with Global Symmetry
2022.10.04 09:01
날짜 | 2022-10-06 13:00 |
연사 | |
장소 | E6 #1323 |
We would like to invite you to the High-Energy Theory seminars. Everyone is welcome to join!
Title: Counting States with Global Symmetry
Speaker: Dr. Monica Jinwoo Kang (Caltech)
Time: Thursday (Oct. 6th) at 1:00 PM
Place: E6 #1323
Abstract: I will describe the universal aspect of unitary conformal field theories in the high-temperature limit with a global symmetry group G, where G can be a discrete group or a compact Lie group. I will describe the geometric setup to apply the spurion analysis and explain how we can capture this universal aspect upto a constant factor that depends on the choice of a theory. As a by-product, this analysis demonstrates that the RNAdS black hole with non-abelian hair is thermodynamically more stable than the one without hair.