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날짜 2020-10-15 17:00 
제목 : Time crystals, quasicrystals, and time crystal dynamics in the superfluid universe
연사 : Dr. Samuli Autti
일시 : 5:00pm, October 15, 2020
초록 : Time crystals are a novel phase of condensed matter, characterised by continuous, repeating motion in their quantum ground state. In our experiments, we explore this new phase using magnetic quasiparticles in the superfluid universe of 3He: We observe the formation of a quantum time quasicrystal and its transformation to a superfluid time crystal – a time supersolid [1]. We then bring two superfluid time crystals to touch each other, and observe oscillating particle exchange between the time crystals – the AC Josephson effect [2]. These ground-breaking experiments substantiate the theoretical excursion started by F. Wilczek, and provide novel, magnetic building block for quantum devices and quantum information processing – potentially even at room temperature [3].
[1] S. Autti et al, PRL 120 (2018)
[2] S. Autti et al, Nature Materials (2020), 
[3] Kreil, A. J. E. et al. arXiv:1911.07802 (2019)
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