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날짜 2018-12-07 16:00 
일시 Dec. 7 (Fri.), 04:00 PM 
장소 E6-2. 1st fl. #1323 
연사 Dr. Joon Ho Jang 
번호 날짜 장소 제목
230 2023-11-22 16:00  E6-2, #2502  [High Energy Theory Seminar] Renormalization and the Hierarchy Problem
229 2023-05-03 16:00  E6-2, #2502  Probing microscopic origins of axions by the chiral magnetic effect
228 2024-05-29 16:00  E6-2, #2502  [High Energy Theory Seminar] Amplitudes Meet Cosmology: From Inflation to the Large-Scale Structure
227 2023-03-22 16:00  E6-2, #2502  (High Energy Theory Seminar) Boltzmann or Bogoliubov? A Case of Gravitational Particle Production
226 2024-01-16 16:00  E6-2, #2502  [High Energy Theory Seminar] Towards quantum black hole microstates
225 2023-09-26 16:00  E6-2, #2502  [High Energy Theory Seminar]A new step in interacting dark sector cosmologies
224 2023-06-14 16:00  E6-2, #2502  [High-Energy Theory Seminar]Vertex algebras and extended operators in 4d N=2 SCFTs
223 2023-06-16 13:00  E6-2, #2502  Quantum critical states under extreme conditions
222 2023-11-01 16:00  E6-2, #2502  [High Energy Theory Seminar] Modular functions and 3D N=4 rank-zero superconformal field theories
221 2023-08-29 16:00  E6-2, #2502  [High Energy Theory Seminar] Towards string loop corrections in Calabi-Yau orientifold compactifications.
220 2023-06-01 16:00  E6-2, #5301  Hall viscosity and topological phenomena
219 2023-11-22 10:00  E6-2, #5301 & zoom  [High Energy Theory Seminar] Exact Quantum Algorithms to Recognize Quantum Phases of Matter
218 2020-02-12 13:00  E6-2, #5318  From inflation to new weak-scale file
217 2015-11-06 16:30  E6-2, #5318  Topological Dirac line nodes in centrosymmetric semimetals
216 2015-10-23 15:00  E6-2, #5318  Development of a Rogowski Coil as a new beam position monitor
215 2015-07-16 16:00  E6-2, 1318  Next-generation ultrafast laser technology for nonlinear optics and strong-field physics
214 2015-07-16 16:00  E6-2, 1501  KAIST Physics Distinguished Lecture
213 2016-03-11 13:30  E6-2, 1501 외  Physics Seminar Serises : 2016 Spring file
212 2019-07-03 15:00  E6-2, 2501  Many-body quantum electrodynamis (QED) with atoms and photons: A new platform for quantum optics" file
211 2018-06-14 10:00  E6-2, 2nd fl. #2502  Phonons and polariton-like particles in trapped ions for quantum computation and quantum simulation file