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날짜 2015-11-24 16:00 
장소 E6-2, #1323 

Topology-based understanding of spin dynamics in inhomogeneously magnetized systems


Nov. 24 (TUE), 4:00 p.m. , Seminar Room(#1323)

Dr. Kab-Jin Kim, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University(apan)


The advance of modern magnetism and spintronics mostly rely on the understanding of spin dynamics in various systems. In particular, spin dynamics in inhomogeneously magnetized systems has received significant attention because of the academic interest it inspires, as well as its potential applications in data storage and logic devices. A magnetic domain wall (DW), the boundary of two magnetic domains having different magnetic orientation, is a representative system showing an inhomogeneous spin configuration. Due to the non-uniform spin structure, the DW generally exhibits unique dynamic behaviors upon external forces. An in-depth understanding of the dynamics of DW not only promotes the progress the DW study but also opens a new avenue in spintronic research. For example, several intriguing physics such as spin transfer torque and spin orbit torque have been uncovered via the DW dynamics study in the past decade, and these new findings now opens a new research field, namely the spin-orbitronics.

This talk will review the progress of magnetic DW study and its contribution to the spintronics field. Then, a recent experimental result on the topology-based spin dynamics will be discussed.


Contact: Yoonsoo Kim, Administration Office.  Tel. 2599

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