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날짜 2015-11-19 16:00 
장소 E6-2, #1323 

Emergent Collective Phenomena and Functions at Reduced Dimensions


Nov. 19 (Thur.), 4:00 p.m. , Seminar Room(#1323)
Dr. Daesu Lee, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Understanding and controlling emergent collective phenomena and their functions have been a central goal of condensed matter physics. However, as a material size is decreased down to a few nanometers, collective phenomena such as ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity tend to be suppressed and even disappear. In this talk, I will show that contrary to common belief, novel collective phenomena and functions can emerge at reduced nanoscale dimensions. Based on novel interactions at nanoscale, I will discuss about (1) emergent ferroelectricity in ultrathin films of an otherwise non-ferroelectric material, (2) strain-gradient-induced collective orders in nanocrystals, and (3) collective metallization behavior in artificial nanostructures of a correlated material. This finding would give groundbreaking insight in condensed matter physics, and also could allow novel design of nanoelectronic applications.

Contact: Yoonsoo Kim, Administration Office.  Tel. 2599

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