Quantum- & Nano-Photonics" 세미나 시리즈
2020.11.10 13:37
날짜 | 2020-11-17 12:00 |
연사 | |
장소 | Online(Zoom) |
"Quantum- & Nano-Photonics" 세미나 시리즈 안내
본 세미나 시리즈는 양자 및 나노광학 분야의 해외 연구자를 초청하여 최신 연구 동향을 파악하고 상호 교류하기 위해 마련되었습니다.
관심있는 분은 누구나 참석 가능하니 적극적인 참여 부탁드립니다.
1. 연사: Prof. Qiang Lin (Univ. of Rochester, USA)
2. 발표제목: Lithium niobate integrated photonics
3. 방식: Zoom webinar
4. 일시: 11월 17일 화요일 오후 12시
5. 등록: Zoom 정보를 받아보시기 위해서는 “ 참석하고자 하시는 세미나 제목” 과 “본인의 이름 / 소속” 을
nplab.kaist@gmail.com 로 11 월 15 일까지 보내주시기 바랍니다 .
Here we announce our “Quantum- and Nano-Photonics Seminar Series”.
This is the online seminar series organized by KAIST Nanophotonics Cross-Generation Collaborative Lab with the aim to offer a place for the discussion about the recent progress in Quantum- and Nano-Photonics from fundamental to device applications. Experts on various subfields of Quantum- and Nano-Photonics will be invited to give a talk. This seminar is open to anyone who is interested in this topic.
The information for the next talk is given below.
1. Speaker: Prof. Qiang Lin (Univ. of Rochester, USA)
2. Title: Lithium niobate integrated photonics
3. Venue: Zoom webinar
4. Data/Time: Nov 17th 12:00 PM
5. Registration is required. For registration, please send the following information to nplab.kaist@gmail.com. (due: 11/15).
- The title of talk that you want to attend (for this first talk, the tile is “ Physics and applications of soliton microcombs”)
- Your name / affiliation
- We will send you the information to access this webinar on Nov. 16th