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날짜 2022-07-14 14:15 
장소 E6 #1501 & Zoom 

7/14(목) 물리학과 문은국 교수 연구실에서 개최하는 세미나를 안내 드립니다. 


- Title: Hund and electronic correlations in ruthenium-based systems
- Speaker: Dr. Hyeong Jun LEE(Institute of Natural Science, KAIST)
-  Date: Jul. 14th (THU), 14:15, E6 #1501

회의 ID: 870 6832 7099

암호: 977538




Electronic correlations due to the Hund’s coupling in multiorbital systems are known to play a significant role in ruthenate systems, which differ from ones in the proximity of Mottness. It yields a formation of large local moments, the incoherent electronic transport from their scattering, and strong orbital selectivity at very low temperature. We perform numerical analyses with dynamical mean-field theory to realistic models systematically and investigate the Hund-coupling-driven correlations. We show that they are strongly dependent on detailed information of electronic structures. Our realistic models reveal that the van Hove singularity significantly modulates the Hund’s metallicity in good agreement with experimental observations. Our monolayer film ruthenate systems will also be discussed. This provides a suitable playground for testing the Hundness, the Mottness, and their complicated interplay with electronic structures

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