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날짜 2024-05-28 10:00 
장소 E6-2, #2501 
아래와 같이 세미나를 개최하고자 하오니, 관심있는 분들의 많은 참석 부탁드립니다.
Date: 10:00 am, 28th May (Tue)
Place: E6-2, #2501
Speaker: Prof. Kyusung Hwang (School of Physics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
Title: Mixed-State Quantum Spin Liquids and Dynamical Anyon Condensations in Kitaev Lindbladians

Quantum spin liquids and anyons, used to be subjects of condensed matter physics, now are realized in various platforms of qubits, offering unprecedented opportunities to investigate fundamental physics of many-body quantum entangled states. Qubits are inevitably exposed to environment effects such as decoherence and dissipation, which are believed to be detrimental to many-body entanglement. Here, we argue that unlike the common belief decoherence and dissipation can give rise to novel topological phenomena in quantum spin liquids. We study open quantum systems of the Kitaev spin liquid and the toric code via the Lindblad master equation approach. By using exact solutions and numerical approaches, we show the dynamical occurrence of anyon condensation by decoherence and dissipation, which results in a topological transition from the initial state spin liquid to the steady state spin liquid. The mechanism of the anyon condensation transition by the Lindblad dynamics is elucidated. We also provide an insight into the relationship between the Kitaev spin liquid and the toric code in the picture of anyon condensation. Our work suggests open quantum systems to be a new venue for topological phenomena of quantum spin liquids and anyons.

 [1] Hwang, arXiv:2305.09197.
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