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날짜 2023-01-09 16:00 
장소 E6-2 #1323 

문은국교수님 연구실에서 아래와 같이 세미나 개최하려고 합니다. 

구성원 여러분들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다. 


* Title: Non-Hermitian Hopf-bundle Matter


* Speaker: Moon Jip Park (IBS-PCS)  


* Date: 4 pm, 9th January 2023 (Mon)


* Place: E6-2 1323 (no zoom broadcasting) 



Line excitations in topological phases are a subject of particular interest as their mutual linking structures encode robust topological information of matter. Recently, it has been shown that the linking and winding of complex eigenenergy strings classify one-dimensional non-Hermitian topological matters. Yet, in higher dimensions, the bundles of the linked strings can emerge such that every string is mutually linked by all the other strings. As such an unconventional topological structure, we propose the topological phases of matter characterized by non-Hermitian Hopf bundle. Furthermore, we show the concomitant bulk-boundary correspondence of the Hopf bundle in momentum space and the emergence of higher-order skin effect in real space.


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