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날짜 2021-04-19 19:00 
장소 Zoom webinar 

Spin Forum 13번째 강연을 안내 드립니다.   


이번 연사는 Johns Hopkins 의 Chi-Ling Chien 교수님이며,
강연주제는 Evidence of Electrical Switching in Antiferromagnets and Coherent Spin Pumping입니다.
강연 일시는 4/19(월) 오후 7:00이며, 신청마감은 4/17 입니다.

강연 포스터 첨부합니다.

김갑진 드림    



Here we announce the “KMS Global Forum for Spin and Beyond” lecture series.

The information for the talk is given below.
1. Speaker: Chia-Ling Chien (Johns Hopkins, USA)
2. Title: Evidence of Electrical Switching in Antiferromagnets and Coherent Spin Pumping
3. Venue: Zoom webinar
4. Data/Time: 4/19(Mon) 19:00
5. Registration is required. For registration, please send the following information to (due: 4/17) There is no registration fee.
- The title of talk that you want to attend.

6.  Forum poster is attached    



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