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날짜 2025-01-08 16:00 
연사 Dr. SangEun Han 
장소 E6, #3441 



Quantum impurity model for two-stage multipolar ordering and Fermi surface reconstruction


Dr. SangEun Han


및 직위

Simon Fraser University

/ Postdoctoral Fellow

개최 일시

2025.01.08 16:00

개최 장소

E6, 3441



활용 교수




Classification and understanding of quantum phase transitions and critical phenomena in itinerant electron systems are outstanding questions in

quantum materials research. Recent experiments on heavy fermion systems with higher-rank multipolar local moments provide a new platform

to study such questions. In particular, experiments on Ce3Pd20(Si,Ge)6 show novel quantum critical behaviors via two consecutive magnetic

field-driven quantum phase transitions. At each transition, the derivative of the Hall conductivity jumps discontinuously, which was attributed to

sequential Fermi surface reconstructions. Motivated by this discovery, we consider an effective quantum impurity model of itinerant electrons

coupled to local dipolar, quadrupolar, and octupolar moments arising from Ce3+ ions. Using renormalization group analyses, we demonstrate that two-stage multipolar ordering and Fermi surface reconstruction arise depending on which multipolar moments participate in the Fermi surface and which other moments are decoupled via Kondo destruction.


Contact: Eun Gook Moon(



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