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날짜 2024-03-20 16:00 
일시 Mar. 20th(Wed) 4PM 
장소 E6-2 #2502 
연사 Sunjin Choi (KIAS) 
We are happy to announce the High Energy Theory Seminar this week by Sunjin Choi from KIAS. 
Everyone is welcome to join.
Speaker: Sunjin Choi (KIAS)
Time: Mar. 20th (Wed) at 4 PM
Place: E6-2 #2502
Title: Black hole states at finite N

Abstract: We study new cohomologies for the local BPS operators of the maximal super-Yang-Mills theory with SU(2), SU(3), and SU(4) gauge groups to better understand the black hole microstates. We first analyze the index of these black hole operators and explicitly construct their cohomologies to study how they imitate quantum black holes. We find many towers of states and partial no-hair behaviors where certain gravitons are forbidden to dress these black hole operators. This qualitatively agrees with the behavior of the perturbative hairy BPS black holes. Throughout this talk, we mainly focus on a subsector of the field theory corresponding to the BMN matrix theory, which exhibits a black hole-like entropy at large N.

Further information about the future/past HET seminar can be found here:
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