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날짜 2024-07-22 14:00 
장소 E6-2 #3441 

Date & Time: Jul. 22th (Mon.), 2024 / 14:00 ~ 15:00

PlaceE6-2 / (Rm. 3441)

Title : Nonthermal electronic orders in photo-doped Mott insulators

- Lecturer : Prof. Philipp Werner [University of Fribourg, Switzerland] 


One of the main goals of nonequilibrium condensed matter studies is the control of electronic properties and the induction of new phases. Simulations based on the dynamical mean field theory formalism suggest that nonequilibrium phases with interesting properties indeed exist. I will discuss and illustrate different strategies for realizing nonthermal electronic orders in Mott systems: 1) Selective melting of competing orders, 2) Cooling of electronic states by entropy reshuffling, 3) Constrained dynamics (or entropy trapping), and 4) Activation of long-lived nonthermal “particles”.


 Contact: Prof.  Myung-Joon Han , School of Physics, KAIST( )

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