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날짜 2023-03-16 16:00 
장소 E6-2 #1323 
2023봄 광학및응집물리 세미나포스터.jpg


광학 세미나 시리즈   Thursday 4:00 PM, E6-2 #1323

3월 16일: 이무성 (KAIST 물리학과 박사)

Investigation of 3D cell mechanics using refractive-index tomography


3월 30일: 최태영 (이화여자대학교 물리학과 교수)

Scalable quantum entanglement in trapped-ions based quantum computer


4월 6일: 김민경 (GIST 기계공학부 교수)

Nanophotonics-based approaches to explore Berry physics


4월 27일: 박연상 (충남대학교 물리학과 교수)

On-chip spectrometers based on CMOS image sensors


5월 18일: 권형한 (한국과학기술연구원 박사)

Dielectric metasurfaces for optimized optical system and spatial light modulators


6월 1일: 홍성진 (중앙대학교 물리학과 교수)

Quantum sensing using a squeezed light from hot Rb vapor


응집물리 세미나 시리즈   Friday 11:00 AM, E6-2 #1323
3월 17일: 유효빈 (서강대학교 물리학과 교수)
Operando electron microscopy investigation of domain dynamics in twisted van der Waals materials
3월 24일: 김건우 (중앙대학교 물리학과 교수)
Floquet simulators of topological surface states in isolation
4월 14일: 황진웅 (강원대학교 물리학과 교수)
Exotic quantum phenomena in two-dimensional materials
5월 12일: 황의헌 (성균관대학교 나노공학과 교수)
Interlayer conductivity and plasmon in weakly coupled layered systems
5월 19일: 이현용 (고려대학교 디스플레이·반도체물리학부 교수)
Dipole condensations in Tilted Bose-Hubbard Chains
5월 26일: 이형우 (아주대학교 물리학과 교수)
Spectral Analyses of Stochastic Charge Trapping in Oxide Heterostructures
번호 날짜 장소 제목
339 2019-04-19 16:00  E6-2. 1st fl. #1323  Graphene and hBN heterostructures file
338 2019-04-23 16:00  #1323, E6-2  From Mott physics to high-temperature superconductivity file
337 2019-04-26 16:00  #1323, E6-2  Robust Quantum Metrology using Strongly Interacting Spin Ensembles and Quantum Convolutional Neural Network file
336 2019-05-01 16:00  #1323, E6-2  Raman and x-ray scattering study on correlated electron systems: two case examples file
335 2019-05-02 16:00  #1323, E6-2  Anomalous optical properties of halide perovskites file
334 2019-05-03 11:00  E6-2. 2st fl. #2502  Exotic Magnetism file
333 2019-05-08 16:00  E6 Room(#1323)  Imaging valley dependent electron transport in 2D semiconductors file
332 2019-05-09 16:00  #1323, E6-2  Quantum Optical Sensing Using Single Photons And Single Photon Emission from Single Emitters file
331 2019-05-21 16:00  #5318, E6-2  Classification of flat bands according to the band-crossing singularity of Bloch wave functions file
330 2019-05-24 16:00  #1323, E6-2  Infrared spectroscopy study on metal-insulator transitions in layered perovskite iridates file
329 2019-05-30 16:00  #1323, E6-2  Tuning the excitonic properties of semiconductors with light-matter interactions file
328 2019-05-31 11:00  #1323, E6-2  Cavity QED with Spin Qubits file
327 2019-06-04 17:00  #1323, E6-2  Stochastic nature of bacterial eradication using antibiotics file
326 2019-06-12 15:00  Rm# 1323, E6-2  The relation between free and interacting fermionic SPT phases file
325 2019-06-17 10:30  #1323, E6-2  Chiral Spintronics file
324 2019-06-24 11:00  E6-2, #1323  Topological photonic anomalies file
323 2019-06-27 14:00  #2502, E6-2  Gapless Kitaev Spin Liquid to Loop and String Gases file
322 2019-06-28 13:30  #1323, E6-2  Magnetic domains and domain wall conduction in pyrochlore iridate thin films and heterostructures file
321 2019-06-28 14:00  E6-2, #1322  1st Research-exchange meeting of computational material physics file
320 2019-07-03 15:00  E6-2, 2501  Many-body quantum electrodynamis (QED) with atoms and photons: A new platform for quantum optics" file