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2016 Fall, Physics Seminar Serises

2016.09.29 09:50

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Date & Time  

2016 Fall : Physics Seminar Series


physics Seminar Series_2016 Fall.png



번호 seminar Date Venue 제목
공지     Spring 2019: Physics Seminar Serises
공지     Spring 2019: Physics Colloquium
공지   Seminar Room #1323  Fall 2017: Physics Seminar Serises
공지   Seminar Room 1501  Fall 2017: Physics Colloquium
»     2016 Fall, Physics Seminar Serises file
180     Large-scale Silicon Photonic MEMS Switches
179     Exploring the phase diagram of BaBiO3: epic voyage of just another bad trip?
178     Polarized 3He, Polarized Neutrons and New Interactions beyond the Standard Model
177     Entanglement probe of two-impurity Kondo physics
176     Polarized 3He, Polarized Neutrons and New Interactions beyond the Standard Model
175     Physics Colloquium : 2016 Fall file
174     Quantum Electrical Transport in Topological Insulator Nanowires
173     Nanoscale Thermal Physics: Seebeck Effect and Nanoscale Friction
172     Relational Logic (with applications to Quantum Mechanics, String Theory, Cosmology, Neutrino Oscillations, Statistical Mechanics)
171     Low Dimensional Electrons: On the Road to Hybrid Quantum Systems
170     Electronic quasiparticles in the quantum dimer model
169     Let there be topological superconductors
168     Isostatic magnetism
167     Quantum information processing using quantum dots and photonic crystal cavities
166     Photonic quantum network based on multimode squeezed vacuums and single-photon subtraction
165     No-Insulation High Temperature Superconductor Magnet Technology for Compact, Reliable, and Low-Cost High Field DC Magnets
164     Laboratory experiments relevant to mesospheric clouds, Saturn’s rings & astrophysical jets
163     Understanding 3D tokamak physics towards advanced control of toroidal plasma
162     Welcome to Nature Photonics