Tenure-Track Faculty Position - Theoretical Particle Physics
The department of physics at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute for Science and Technology) invites applications for a tenure-track faculty appointment in theoretical particle physics. The successful candidate will be expected to conduct an outstanding independent research, have strong communication skills, and be an effective teacher in the undergraduate and graduate instructional program of the Physics Department (all lectures in our department are given in English).
Applications should be submitted via email (applyphysics at kaist.ac.kr) to the Faculty Search Committee, and should include 1) a curriculum vitae with a list of publications, 2) a statement of research interests (no more than 5 pages), 3) contact information (name, email, address) of three referees (we may ask you to arrange the recommendation letters in the later stage of selection process, as well as other informations), and 4) your five representative publications in pdf format. Although we prefer email application, if you want to send your application via mail (send it to the address below).
Applications completed by Feb. 28, 2017 will be given full consideration, although the search will continue until the positions are filled. Late applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
If you have any further inquiry, please contact the Faculty Search Committee via applyphysics(at)kaist.ac.kr.
Jan. 09. 2017
Chair of the Department of Physics
291 Daehak-rho Yuseong-gu
Department of Physics, Natural Science Building, KAIST
Daejeon, Republic of Korea 305-701
TEL: +82-42-350-2599, FAX: +82-42-350-2510