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날짜 2016-10-17 11:00 
일시 Oct. 17th (Mon) 11:00 AM 
장소 #1323,(E6-2, 1st fl.) 
연사 Nguyen Quang Liem, Institute of Materials Science, VAST, Viettnam 

IMS and examples of the studies on optoelectronic materials


Nguyen Quang Liem, Institute of Materials Science, VAST, Viettnam

Oct. 17th (Mon) 11:00 AM, #1323,(E6-2, 1st fl.)

The presentation is organized in two parts: (i) Brief information of the Institute of Materials Science (IMS), Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST); and (ii) examples of the studies on the optoelectronic materials. In the first part, I present the IMS in VAST, her structure and functions/missions; the potential of IMS among research institutes and universities in Vietnam who are carrying out the researches in materials science and technology to show that IMS is a leading institute and plays an important role in the field. In the second part, I demonstrate some examples on (a) the syntheses of nanomaterials including highly luminescent semiconductor quantum dots (CdTe, CdSe, InP and their core/shell structures) for applications in fabrication of biolabeling/biosensors; visible-photocatalytic nanocrystals (CuS, Cuse and their type-II core/shell structures) for applications in depollution technology, structure and optical properties. The results show that we have obtained the high quality nanomaterials which are good samples for the basic researches on the opto-electronic processes as well as the active sources for applications. The graphical abstract for the second part is given below.

Contact: Taejin Jang, Administration Office.  Tel. 2504

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