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Professor Ahn, Jaewook (안재욱)

2014.12.15 16:43

admin 조회 수:14873

  • Position: Professor / KAIST Endowed Chair Professor 
    Tel&office No: +82-42-350-2546 
    Fax: +82-42-350-2510 
    E-mail: jwahn(at) 
    Education: 2002: University of Michigan (Ph.D in Physics)
    1994: Seoul National Univ. (M. S. in Physics)
    1992: Seoul National Univ. (B. S. in Physics) 
    ResearchField: - Quantum Computing 




  • 2005-Present:
  KAIST, Assistant/Associate Professor
  • 2002~2004:
  Los Alamos National Laboratory, Director's Postdoctoral Fellow
  • 1995~1996:
  University of Seoul, Teaching Assistant and Lecturer





  • Neutral Atom Quantum Computing
    Quantum computation has developed in the past two decades from a visionary idea to one of the most fascinating areas of modern physics. Scientists around the world are tackling unseen technological problems involved with the quantum nature, such as decoherence, entanglement, precision control, and measurement, during their challenge to make a quantum computer. Currently we are investigating optical and terahertz methodologies for quantum state engineering of massively entangled cold atomic qubits.
  • Quantum Control
    Recent advances in ultrafast laser and optical pulse shaping techniques have brought the use of shaped pulses of optical frequency for the manipulation of quantum systems. This field, known as quantum control, though being started as a theoretical exercise, has rapidly become an experimental reality in a vast variety of materials extending from atoms and molecules to condensed matter and biological materials.
  • Terahertz Spectroscopy and Optics
    Terahertz science and technology has attracted much interest because of its many up-and-coming applications in communication, material characterization, and imaging. We run the terahertz joint-research lab of KAIST institute for optical science and technology (KI-OST).