Physics Colloquium : 2012 Spring
2012.02.03 16:15
날짜 | 2012-02-13 16:00 |
연사 | |
장소 | E6, 1501 |
2월 13일부터 시작합니다.
13 |
Kenji Ohmori (Photo-Molecular Science, IMS, japan) Single Molecule Can Calculate 1000 Times Faster Than Supercomputers |
20 |
Young Kuk (Physics, SNU) Transport Through Edge States in a Graphene Stripe |
27 |
Myeun Kwon (National Fusion Research Institute) Fusion Energy: Too Good to Be True? |
5 |
Hyoungsoon Choi (Physics, KAIST) The Quest for Absolute Zero: The What, Why and How of Low Temperature Physics |
12 |
Sunghoon Kwon (Electrical Engineering, SNU) Color Barcoded Microparticles & Programmable Magnetic Anisotropy By Magnetically Self-assembled Nanocomposite |
19 |
Kwang Yong Song (Physics, Chung-Ang University) Recent Applications of Brillouin Scattering in Optical Fibers |
2 |
Yoon Hee Jeong (Physics, POSTECH) Magnetism in Low Dimensional Oxide Systems |
9 |
Chun-Sil Yoon (Physics, Gyeongsang National University) Neutrino and OPERA Experiment |
16 |
Jung H. Shin (Physics & Nanoscience, KAIST) Out-morpho-ing Morpho Butterflies |
23 |
Hyung Do Kim (Physics, SNU) Higgs, Supersymmetry and Dark Matter from Large Hadron Collider |
30 |
Dongsub Kim (Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST) Computational Protein Design |
7 |
Yong-Hak Kim (Sociology, Yonsei University) Social Origin of Creativity |
14 |
Mahn Won Kim (Physics, KAIST) Confinement-Induced Transition of Topological Defects in Smectic Liquid Crystals: From a Point to a Line and Pearls |
Hai-Woong Lee (Physics, KAIST) 카이스트와 함께한 23년 |