제목 : [KoRIA 2011] The 1st International Symposium on the Science with KoRIA
Contents: On Dec 01 and 02 2011 a special symposium will be held at Korea University's Sejong Campus with 15 internationally renowned experts invited to discuss scientific applications of a radioactive heavy ion accelerator (KoRIA). The major themes will be the synthesis of superheavy elements, new materials, astrophysics, atomic physics, solid state physics, medicine, nuclear data, nuclear physics, particle physics, etc. including various basic science and research fields. For more information please refer to the symposium homepage at http://baeri.hanyang.ac.kr/koria2011.
We kindly ask you to register no later than Nov 17 to help us in our preparation efforts. During the symposium the host will provide lodging and food expenses as well as a banquet. There is no registration fee.
We are hoping for a large participation.
링크주소 : http://baeri.hanyang.ac.kr/koria2011
첨부 파일 2건 : KoRIA2011-프로그램-1.pdf, 포스터-영문.jpg
2011년 11월 10일
한양대학교 조광호 배상