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물리학과 2011-01-14 15:14:15
0 22329

Assistant Professor of Physics, Tenure Track


KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)


The Department of Physics at KAIST is seeking outstanding candidates for tenure-track faculty positions.

The positions (1 in theoretical physics and/or 1 in experimental physics) are open to applicants in all areas of physics,

except for high-energy physics.

Applicant must have Ph.D. in Physics or a closely related field, and some post-doctoral research experience is desirable.

The successful candidates will be expected to teach undergraduate and/or graduate courses in Physics Department,

and also contribute to other academic activities.


Application materials (available at,

including a letter of application, current and future research plans,

a curriculum vitae, a publications list, and three letters of reference, should be sent to:


Faculty Search Committee,

Department of Physics, KAIST,

Daejeon 305-701, Republic of Korea


Applications completed by January 31, 2011 will be given full consideration,


although the search will continue until the positions are filled.




If you have any further inquiry, please contact Department office (Mrs. Soon Mi Hong via