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날짜 2024-01-24 15:00 
일시 Jan 24th(Wed), 15:00 
장소 E6-2 #1323 
연사 Myung Hyun Jo (Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School) 
물리학과 구성원분들께,
아래와 같이 세미나를 개최하오니, 관심있는 분들의 많은 참석 부탁드립니다.
* Title: Determination of single molecule loading rate during mechanotransduction
* Speaker: Myung Hyun Jo  (Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School)  조명현 박사
* Date: 3pm, 24th January 2024 (Wednesday)
* Place: E6 1323 (no zoom broadcasting)
Cells connect with their environment via surface receptors and utilize physical tension in receptor-ligand bonds for various cellular processes. Single-molecule techniques have revealed bond strength by measuring 'rupture force' but it has been long recognized that rupture force is dependent on the loading rate – how quickly force is ramped up. Therefore, the physiological loading rate must be determined to reveal the mechanical strength of individual bonds in their functional context. Here, we developed an overstretching tension sensor (OTS) allowing for more accurate force measurement in physiological conditions with single-molecular detection sensitivity even in mechanically dense and dynamic focal adhesions. Serially connected OTSs show that the physiological loading rate ranges from 0.5–4 pN/s and is about three times higher in leukocytes than in epithelial cells. 
Contact: Yongsoo Yang (
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