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날짜 2023-11-09 16:00 
일시 Nov. 9(Thu), 4pm 
장소 E6-2(Natural Science B/D). 1st fl. #1323 
연사 Dr. Changhun Oh (University of Chicago) 
오창훈 박사의 세미나를 아래와 같이 안내드립니다.
구성원 여러분의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. 

Title: Assessing the Capability of Near-Term Photonic Devices Towards Quantum Supremacy

Speaker: Dr. Changhun Oh (University of Chicago)
Date: Nov. 9(Thu), 4pm

Place : E6-2(Natural Science B/D). 1st fl. #1323


[Zoom 회의 참가]

주제: 오창훈 박사 세미나
회의 ID: 858 3266 9222

Quantum computers are expected to provide a computational advantage that enables us to solve problems beyond classical computers' power. In this talk, I will discuss recent experimental progress aiming to demonstrate quantum supremacy using photons, focusing on boson sampling, and its practical and fundamental limitations for near-term devices due to various imperfections, such as photon loss, noise, and limited circuit depth, from a theoretical perspective. In particular, I will present a new classical algorithm that can simulate state-of-the-art boson sampling experiments that claim the largest supercomputer would take at least a billion years to simulate them. Also, I will talk about the possibility of harnessing the potential quantum advantage from boson sampling to solve practical problems.

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