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날짜 2023-10-04 16:00 
장소 E6-2, #2502 
We are happy to announce the High-Energy Theory Seminar this week by Dr. Dario Rosa from IBS-PCS (Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems).
Everyone is welcome to participate.

Speaker: Dario Rosa (IBS-PCS)
Time: Oct 4th (Wed) 4 pm
Place: E6-2, #2502
Moving towards quantum technologies: the case of quantum batteries
Quantum batteries are quantum mechanical systems used as energy storage devices.  
As for many other proposed quantum devices, ranging from quantum computers to quantum communication systems, they are believed to offer significant advantages over their classical counterparts.
In this talk, I will first provide an overview of few tasks where quantum resources can be successfully applied. 
I will then focus on the recent progresses, both at the theoretical and experimental level, in proving and understanding the sources of charging speedup that quantum batteries can have over classical batteries.
These progresses are at the core of the newly introduced notion of quantum charging advantage.
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